Medical Advantages of Marijuana
Should weed be legal in any capacity? More importantly, should marijuana be legal in a medical or medicinal capacity? Out of the 50 United States, as of today (August 26, 2010), sixteen states say 'yes'. These 16 states allow for qualified persons to possess legal medical marijuana cards. Legal medical marijuana cards let the privilege of cultivating, possessing and consuming legal medical marijuana. The question, however, that remains…have these sixteen states been under the influence of…well marijuana? This article will take a look at the pros of medical marijuana from a view point based on only its medical benefits. This article doesn't introduce the debates on drug-war relations, crime statistics, or socio-economic impact. There will be a singular position, and that focus will be, the medical benefits of marijuana.
What ailments does medical marijuana provide relief for?
According to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) the following conditions or symptoms under Appendix IV of their Nov. 2002 report titled "Descriptions of Allowable Conditions under State Medical Marijuana Laws" could be impacted by the use of medical marijuana:
· Alzheimer's Disease
· Anorexia
· Arthritis
· Cachexia
· Cancer
· Crohn's Disease
· Epilepsy
· Glaucoma
· Migraine
· Multiple Sclerosis
· Nausea
· Pain
· Spasticity
· Wasting Syndrome
Matter of factly according to Lester Grinspoon, MD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and an article he wrote in a Mar. 1, 2007 editorial in the Boston Globe titled "Marijuana as Wonder Drug":
"While few such studies have so far been completed, all have lent weight to what medicine already knew but had largely forgotten or ignored: Marijuana is effective at relieving nausea and vomiting, spasticity, appetite loss, certain types of pain, and other debilitating symptoms. And it is extraordinarily safe -- safer than most medicines prescribed every day. If marijuana were a new discovery rather than a well-known substance carrying cultural and political baggage, it would be hailed as a wonder drug."
Truth be told one would be hard-pressed to obtain a scientist, academic, or law-maker that would argue with the medical answers that have been put out by the medical community on the pluses of medical marijuana. For all intents and purposes it seems that the evidence is amazingly indisputable. Marijuana seems to be receiving a bad rap due to the prejudging of the plant before credible research had been analyzed on its affects, benefits and contributions to the medical community.
The most obvious and logical explanation of why some in the medical community and politicians seem to not be in favor for medical marijuana is the fact that it could be prohibitively hard to tariff or regulate. Most people would most likely not buy legal marijuana, or see a physician for a prescription once they received their legal medical marijuana card because most people suffering from ailments spend cash on other things needed to adjust to their new lifestyle. Most persons would save money and easily cultivate the plant themselves, which would be perfectly legal assuming they had a legal medical marijuana card. This wouldn't make much money for the politicians and not a lot of cash for the medical professionals either.
The simple nature in getting a legal medical marijuana cards in Michigan can be found at web sites all throughout the internet such as Medical Marijuana Advisors ( which gives online doctor evaluations and confidentiality, all while providing clients with medical marijuana cards for as little as $200.00.
The benefits to medical marijuana are laced, no pun intended, in facts and science. The pros seem to be based in fear of lost revenue and speculation. One could say it's a no-brainer, even someone that was high could figure this one out.
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